Urban Component in Data as of 24 May 2016
Partnership established with 25 cities
233 microprojects approved:
- 197 microprojects in renovation of multi apartment buildings
- 36 microprojects in renovation of social objects in the cities;
More than 100 trainings “How to create Association of Co-owners of multi apartment buildings” were conducted
More than 100 Local Development Forums were developed;

The National Network of CBA Partner Universities in Data
40 Partner Universities
17 Universities Introduced Sustainable Development into their Curriculum
11 University Resource Centers are opened
4 Student Debates Conducted
4 Student Summer Schools Organised
3 Volumes of collective monograph on sustainable development published

Timeframe: 2014 –2017
Development partners: The project is implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine, and financed by the European Union.
Implementing partners: community organizations, local and regional authorities, line ministries, parliamentary committees, national associations of local councils and academia
Overall budget: 23.8 million Euro
EU: 23 million Euro
UNDP: 0.8 million Euro
Geographic coverage: All regions of Ukraine
Target groups: 1000 community organizations,300 ACMBs, 1000 village councils, up to 15 city councils, 200 rayon councils/administrations, 25 regional councils/ administrations.
Presentation materials of participants of Community Based Approach to Local Development Project Phase-III Launching
EU/UNDP Project "Community Based Approach" - Project Document
Final evaluation of programmes ‘Community Based Approach for Local Development Phase III’ and Support to Ukraine's Regional Development Policy
As the development arm of the United Nations, UNDP supports strategic capacity development initiatives to promote inclusive growth and sustainable human development. Through partnerships with national, regional, and local governments, civil society, and the private sector, UNDP strives to support Ukraine in its efforts to eliminate poverty, develop people’s capacity, achieve equitable results, sustain the environment, and advance democratic governance. Today Ukraine is facing its most serious challenges since achieving independence in 1991. The conflict in the east forced more than one million people to leave their homes to save their lives. Recovery and Peacebuilding of the conflict-affected areas, as well as support of internally displaced people (IDPs) are among the top priorities for UNDP in Ukraine. Humanitarian aid is very important but is not enough. There is an urgent need for systemic response to the needs of internally displaced and people living in conflict-affected areas...
The Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine was opened in the centre of Kyiv in September 1993.
Starting from 1 December 2009 with the Lisbon Treaty entering into force, the Delegation of the European Commission is transformed into the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.
The Delegation in Kyiv is one of over 130 European Union Delegations around the world.
The Delegation has the status of a diplomatic mission and officially represents the European Union in Ukraine.
The institutions of the European Union are the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors.
On 1 January 2007 the European Union completed its fifth enlargement that had started in May 2004. Today the European Union is made up of 28 Members States, has a population of around 500 million and is the largest trading bloc in the world.
The Delegation's mandate includes...
Support is provided to municipal initiatives aiming to further institutionalize community mobilization approach and increase the efficiency, transparency and accountability of local institutions; enhance information access and provision of basic services to the overall population, in particular to the poor and most vulnerable; promote people’s participation, particularly of the poor, women and youth in decision and policy making processes.
In particular, CBA III offers support to municipal projects related to:
access to ICT and connectivity: ICT investments in public information infrastructure, connectivity and equipment to foster wider use by people. Examples include telecenters or public internet access points;
access to information: promotion of digitalization and dissemination of public information among the...